For you - We are certified.
With the upcoming certification we want to offer you an even better shopping experience in our shop. The test for the seal of quality with the "e" for e-commerce started in early August 2019 and our popular online shop will soon be equipped with the seal of quality.
TRUSTED SHOPS Seal of Quality - A sign of trust in online shopping
In search of a product, countless online shops are available to you, which you can visit with just one click and leave just as quickly. But how do you decide on the shop where you finally buy? The price certainly plays a role, as do the delivery times and shipping costs. But how good the service is in case of a problem, whether your data is safe and whether the online shop is reliable and reliable overall - that's hard to predict before you buy it
What is behind the seal of quality?
Online shops are comprehensively tested for compliance with quality criteria before the quality seal is issued. These include legal requirements - but also, for example, strict requirements for the service quality offered.
What does the seal of approval mean for you?
If you shop in an online store with the Trusted Shops seal of approval, you can expect maximum security and optimal service.
- Cost & Price: Before submitting the order you will be informed clearly about product prices, shipping costs and other additional costs
- Privacy and security: Shops may only collect, use and transfer personal data as far as this is legally permitted or you have given your express consent.
- Payment: At the latest at the beginning of the ordering process you will be given all the payment methods offered.
- Delivery: You will be notified of the expected delivery time or the exact delivery date.
- Returns: Du wirst über das Widerrufsrecht und etwaige Ausnahmen oder Besonderheiten informiert.
- Customer service: You can count on good customer service. The quality of service of certified shops is kept permanently transparent thanks to the Trusted Shops quality indicators.
TRUSTED SHOPS gives you as a buyer a reliable orientation and shows at a glance in which online shops you can safely shop.
Here it goes back to SHOP.