Passion for Nature, Sport and Outdoor
The Lungauer from the Salzburger Land always wanted to go high. "In the countryside, growing up in the mountains, I was out and about a lot, and the element of water has always fascinated me. It was a natural decision that my own product should have something to do with sports, outdoor and water, "says the founder
In search of a perfect drinking bottle, Hans has found nothing that really convinced him. This has led him to develop his own water bottles to offer them to other outdoor sports enthusiasts.
First prototypes in 2017
The first prototypes of his drinking bottles were made in 2017 and the company was founded at the end of the year. Since the end of March 2018, the hydro2go bottles have been available online and the bottles of the young brand have quickly become established, especially among enthusiastic hikers and mountaineers.
"In Austria and Germany we have water of the highest quality - directly from the tap. That's luxury! That's why I wanted to launch a product that motivates people to take advantage of this and dispense disposable plastic bottles with water, "says Hans Lüftenegger of his motivation behind product development.
From West to East
In 2006, the Salzburg moved to Singapore, where he still lives with his young family. He is a designer, manufacturer, marketing and sales manager at the same time.
"It took a lot of courage to start my own brand. Entrepreneurship is always associated with risk, and of course it was not predictable at first that the hydro2go bottles would arrive so well in our target group, "says Hans about his start.
In addition to the three main products in its range - the Tritan, stainless steel and glass bottles - the brand launched childrens bottles in March, which were immediately well received.
Expansion Plan
The brand building of hydro2go is still his hobby and the earnings a secondary income. "Online commerce is booming, but accordingly there is also a lot of serious competition. It is important for me, in addition to the distribution of the existing product range, to continue to fiddle more and more with product innovations, "says Hans proudly of his plans.
In the meantime, the young company has received a number of inquiries from business customers - often sports shops, medium-sized companies and tourism companies - who are interested in co-branding or custom-made products.
Personalised water bottles
"In the future everyone should create their own drinking bottle according to individual taste", Hans is already happy about the product novelty that still exists in this form
Hydro2go is already in cooperation with Bërgsteiger, a successful Austrian company in the outdoor accessories market, and soon there will be the high-quality stainless steel water bottles in the exclusive Bërgsteiger edition. Available on the Bërgsteiger website in limited edition.
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LG Peter
Lieber Peter,
danke für deine Interesse an unseren Trinkflaschen.
Wir haben uns aufgrund der Kompetenz für unseren Hersteller in China entschieden, denn er fertigt seit vielen Jahren qualitativ hochwertige Thermoprodukte und verfügte über die erforderliche Erfahrung, die nötige Ausrüstung und bestens ausgebildetes Personal in diesem Bereich.
Da wir leider in Europa keinen passenden Produktionspartner finden konnten, werden unsere Edelstahl- und Glasflaschen von unseren Partnern in China hergestellt, die unsere Produktionsrichtlinien und Qualitätsvorgaben strikt befolgen.
Team hydro2go